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Benefits of Studying in a boarding school


Benefits of Studying in a boarding school

Choosing a boarding school is a life changing decision for your child. Boarding school provides an environment that your child needs at a young age to explore his strengths,
24 / 7 learning environment and grow in a multi-cultural environment, and that will make him globally ready for upcoming challenges in the real world.
What are the benefits of attending a modern boarding school?

Being independent:

It’s not easy to adapt change in lifestyle but that is what we adults do throughout our lives, we adapt to changes. Boarding students becomes increasingly independent. They learn how to be responsible, organized and are full of initiative.

They learn the life style and pattern of survival at a young age, they are not dependent on their parents to wake up every morning, they learn to eat healthy, be organized, develop sportsmanship and develop Emotional Quotient.

Growing and learning with friends:

While living with a community of friends, they absorb the advantages of peer learning from multi-cultural Environment. They challenge each other academically, during sports, activities and extending the depth of their learning and enriching their knowledge.

Friends for life:

Boarding students create fond memories of each other’s company as they stay together 24/7. The bonds of friendship formed in boarding schools last a lifetime, long after the school years are gone.

Disciplined life:

At a boarding school, children learn self-regulation and exercise their judgement about finding a good balance in all activities. They don’t require supervision to plan their day, work and life.

Extracurricular activities:

Young age is mend to be full of learning new activities, discover their strength and creating milestones. Their free-time is filled with extracurricular activities which help them stay active, discover hobbies and passions.

Fun time with friends:

Going out with your peers for outing, camping, educational trips are experiences we all admire throughout our lives. Boarding students get fun trips which could be cultural, visiting historical cities, famous art galleries, adventurous sports, educational tours, etc.

Living around nature:

We all want our children to be in a natural environment, away from concrete jungle where they can also nurture their body, soul and mind. Boarding schools are mostly located in picturesque locations, surrounded by nature, secluded from the noise and pollution of cities. For students, it means a lot of fresh air and outdoor activities on their doorstep.

Balanced and healthy nutrition:

Only Eating what we like every day and missing a balance diet is not how we want our children to learn eating habit. Food is the fuel for body and we want our children to taste and adapt healthy eating habit.

Boarding students have all their meals at school which are carefully planned and suitable to their physical needs. They are provided with healthy, nutritious balanced diets which leaves no window for unhealthy snacking.

Living with teachers and mentors:

Teachers also play a role of mentors, influencing boarding students’ life. They are counsellors, motivators, guides and support them 24/7. The loving house parents are their comforters and take care of all concerns regarding your child.