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High school survival guide


High school survival guide

The whole high school process holds a standard so high that many teenagers feel they can't seem to reach it, but by taking a step back and creating a concrete plan, anything is possible. Starting high school is a nerve-racking thing; a bigger school, shifted personalities, new students, different mindset, and inching closer to university can hold an anchor of weight over you, but I am here to be your guide throughout this experience. 
  1. Mental Health 
    While breaking down information in four short steps, mental health remains one of the most prominent aspects to keep in mind while being in high school. At times, schoolwork can become stressful, and sometimes overbearing, if you're also dealing with issues at home or with yourself. If you are comfortable, tell a trusted adult or teacher what is happening and stay in communication so you can find a way to complete your assignments on your own time that allows you to take a break! Most teachers will be willing to hear you out, so be kind and fill them in on everything you feel comfortable sharing. I had times where everything was falling apart for me with my experiences, so I gathered the courage to tell my Chemistry professor one day; she gave me an extension, and I had more time to pick myself up and complete my work. Mental health days are natural, so once you need one, make sure you take it if you can. Another way is to ask your parents, depending on how they are; they might let you skip out on a school day to gather yourself. 

    On the other hand, if none of these methods work, you must take it upon yourself to aid your mental state, and there are many ways to do so! For example, you can write in a journal, read a book, or enjoy some of your favorite music. These examples are some things to ease the stress and give yourself an outlet for whatever is affecting you.
  1. Maturing/Changing 
Coming from high school being 13-14 and then leaving at 17-18 gives you countless experiences; I promise the person you believe you are today will not be the same later. Views change, friends move on, and you will move on from certain instances yourself. So, if a change occurs, don't be afraid. It is normal. The best advice I can give is not to let go of yourself; always follow your heart. Be yourself in every instance and don't change yourself for anybody. Everyone is still looking for their pathway in life so others will change as well, but as long as you know you are on the right path, you will be at your happiest! Being yourself is where everything will go smoothly for you; when I finally reached the point where I felt like myself, I lost friends who weren't good for me but gained some that are still so dear. I saw a shift in my care for the community and other people when I came out, which gave me a significant role and purpose. I finally felt worth it. There is a light out there and a place for you! 
  1. Friends/Relationship 
These types of bonds are difficult to depict, but you must follow your heart and be yourself. Friends are supposed to make you happy! Friends make you proud of yourself! Don't settle for anything less. One day, someone will find you, or you will find that someone, and then it will spark the friendship, the bond, and the memories you will share. Some individuals will come and go, but that is part of the journey they are facing, but it is up to you to follow your own. High school makes up a small part of your life, so don't beat yourself up over a breakup because there is still plenty of fish and experiences in the sea for the future for any bond. If you want simple conversation starters with someone you want to become friends with, start by greeting them or complimenting them. Start kind, and hopefully, you can hit it off with someone, and your bond can skyrocket from there!
  1. Grades/Future
    While school prepares you for more accurate living instances, you are the only person who can prepare yourself in the end. School gives you some of the basics, but in my opinion, not everything gets covered, so it is on you to provide yourself that need-to-know knowledge. The process of grades counts more, and once you find yourself applying to college (if you go to college), grades will be an essential factor. Start strong and follow through with your courses; even if it is difficult, I believe you can do it! Some instances can be negative where you get a bad grade on a homework assignment or fail a test, which is okay! Don't belittle yourself over a grade because there is so much more purpose that you have, and potential, and school will not bring all of it out. School doesn't guarantee you a perfect future, so don't feel like it does because there is a future for you anywhere, even if you don't do well in school or don't go to college. Follow your heart in what you want to pursue after school for the future, and don't let anyone stop you from reaching it. 

    Trust me, there is so much strength in you, and I believe you can do amazing things, so don't let something like high school stop you or make you belittle yourself because it is not everything. Believing in yourself makes everything matter, and there is no better pathway than that, so good luck!