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Boarding Schedule

A Typical Day At Boarding School

Follow a student through their day at boarding school, from breakfast to lights out, to get a sense of what life is really like on campus.



Time to wake up

Students day starts with Yoga & PT because day should start resetting mind and body.



Breakfast time

After morning yoga/PT children take shower change and meet at dining area.

8:30 AM - 2:00PM

Academic time

Academic Classes leading the discussion, and teacher chimes in with some pretty thought-provoking questions to make sure we’re all awake and participating.

10:30 AM

Fruit break

Small fruit break for our young learners.

02:00 PM

Lunch time

The whole school eats together like one big family. It’s loud and fun, and have learned so much about their classmates and teachers.

03:00 PM

Activities, clubs & remedial classes

Creative activities like painting, pottery, learning musical instrument, robotics, book reading, photography – every school has lots of activities to choose from.

04:00 PM

Onwards– Sports time

Playing games, creating a sportsmanship attitude helps our young ones throughout their life. Also preparing students for district, national or international competition, adding value to their learning.

06:00 PM

Snacks time

Snacks after sports helps student meet their hunger after rigorous sports.

06:30 PM

Study hall

Having a little trouble with homework, so going to get some extra help from teachers.

07:30 PM

Onwards– Dinner time

Dinner with milk and some quality time with class mates help our children refresh.

08:30 PM

Self time

Self-time helps student spend some time enjoying indoor games with roommates, listening to music or even self-study.

09:30 PM

Lights off

Time to relax our mind, body & soul and getting ready for next day at the same time.

Note:- Above mention schedule is basic schedule and every residential school covers all above activities with much better day schedule.