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Career Planning


It is ‘crucial time’ where you encourage your child to have a serious think and reflect about his future, his ambitions and what he want most from life.
Your child will spend more time at work than anywhere else, and make some of his best adult friends there, so you want to maximize the chances that he will be happy in his chosen career.

  • Your skills, interests, talents and preferences
  • Career possibilities
  • Job trends – what jobs will exist when you are ready to start work

By carefully considering these areas this will improve chances of getting into your child’s career options.

Skills and Interests. Get your child think about his interests.

You need to ask and analyse your child with - What do you like to do? Think about experiences you have enjoyed. What kind of school, intellectual, social, or sports activities do you like?
Make a list of up to 10 activities he have enjoyed doing in the past four years.
Evaluate those interests. Think about what he liked about the activities. What challenges did the activities offer? What skills does he need to develop further to continue in those activities?

Consider his skills

Evaluate school, volunteer, work or leisure experiences.
Make a list of his school activities (clubs, organizations to which you belong). Make a list of any volunteer work he have done (either through social, civic or religious organizations).

Career clusters are a way of grouping careers with common features and skills. Careers grouped into the same cluster typically require similar education and training. Exploring clusters can be a useful way to find a good career match; especially if your child have general areas of interest but are not sure what specific careers match those interests. Career clusters can also help you better understand how his coursework in school can prepare him for certain types of careers.

To assess his interests and skills and determine the relationship between them and possible careers you can write to us for details career counselling and get your child enrolled for Career based Psychometric test. With our structured counselling you may find careers that match his interests and, and explore, many different career options.

Once you have found a career area that matches your child’s interests and skills, he is ready to set his career plan.

Planning Your Career

Develop a career goal. Think about what he wants to do and find out more about the kind of training, education and skills he will need to achieve his career goal. To do this:

  • Assess his skills and interests. Think hard about what he enjoy, what he is good at, what kind of personality he have and the values he holds.
  • Research occupations. Find out more about the nature of the jobs that interest him, such as educational requirements, salary, working conditions, future outlook and career development.
  • Compare his skills and interests with the occupations he has selected. The career that matches skills, interests, and personality the closest may be the career for him.
  • Once decided which occupation matches up best, then you can begin developing targets (steps) to reach his career goal.
  • Select a university that offers a college degree or training program that best meets his career goal and financial needs.
  • Find out about financial aid to help support you in obtaining the career goal.
  • Develop interests and skills outside of the classroom which show the qualities required for the career path.
  • Also, check out other Internet resources such as and get evaluation with an Expert. https://www.boardingschooladvisors.com/contact