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“International boarding schools bring the best of the boarding school world together with a tight-knit international community and global mindset.” -

We are trained professionals with extensive knowledge of educational options in Boarding school. BSA expertise, combined with a supportive, intentional approach to understanding your family, will help you identify a school that is academically, culturally, socially and financially appropriate.

Choosing a Residential school

We understand, It’s difficult to find the right residential school for your child, specially choosing between

Choosing & Selecting School

Choosing the right boarding school is a family decision. At BSA, we advise students and parents to collaborate closely on narrowing down their list of possible boarding schools to attend.

Some factors to consider include:

  • Location – India, Dubai, Singapore & Philippines; rural, suburban, or urban campus?
  • Size – would your child thrive in a small (200 students or fewer), medium-sized, or large boarding school?
  • Academic Program – what curriculum would work best for your child – CAIE, IB, CBSE or ICSE.
  • Boys, Girls or Co-ed Residential School?
  • Availability of special resources or programs (i.e., those that focus on the arts, support for learning differences, athletics or community service)
  • Cost – financial, including fee structure, merit scholarships & payment schedule.

Our conceptualization

BSA team will interact with your family to learn as much as possible about your child’s unique skills, interests, likes, dislikes, strengths and needs, and develop a personalized educational plan.
We will then recommend a list of schools that could be a fit for your child. This list is based on a deep knowledge of Residential schools, and informed by consultants’ ongoing travel to campuses, meeting with staff and current students, touring dorms, observing classes and extracurricular activities, and learning about each school’s specific identity and core values. Boarding school advisors know what questions to ask and what to see during their visits, so they can bring the right information back to you.
By taking the time to listen to your specific wants and concerns, BSA member guide families through the complex process of investigating all available educational options, and find the best fit for your student, saving you energy, time and valuable resources.

We recommend parents to consider visiting each boarding school after the research process has concluded. We schedule call with admissions office to schedule an official tour and interview, but also request to sit in on classes, eat a meal with students and faculty, observe a sports game, arts event, or any other activity that is important to your child’s ultimate boarding school experience.

After the visit, have an in-depth conversation with your child. Does your child feel that the school is an appropriate fit for her or him? Do you, as the parent, feel like the school is a good fit? Trust your instincts! If you are unsure, go back and visit the school again, or ask the admissions office to connect you with additional students or faculty members who can answer questions by email or phone
We will guide you through out the process, so call us or email us and let us start analysing what your child needs and what fits best for his boarding experience. Contact Us (tab to collect enq)